For many small business providers, the card processing fees at a % of transactions are many hundreds of pounds a month. Recently Coco's Beauty in Hockley went looking for an alternative option and found it with HibanaPay. HibanaPay is a new provider in the market place and charges a flat fee of £19.99 with NO Transaction fees.
Ade Risidore from HibanaPay had this to say about their new service:
HibanaPay has just launched - Get paid instantly, without card transaction fees.
Developed by a team of banking technologists and industry experts HibanaPay is focused on building amazing payment experiences - not taking a slice of every payment you make! With decades of banking experience, HibanaPay is determined to shake the debit card payments industry up and make it fairer for small businesses.
HibanaPay turn's your existing smartphone or browser into a digital payment terminal, and because HibanaPay avoids the old card payment networks (yes, even ApplePay uses them), you get paid instantly. Best of all, there are no per-transaction fees, just one low-priced flat monthly subscription, no matter how many transactions you do.
Square Pay was crippling Coco's Beauty in Hockley with its 1.75% transaction fees and slow settlements. In just a couple of weeks of using HibanaPay, Coco's has already saved over £50 in transaction fees, and conservative estimates are they they'll save over £1,000 this year. Coco's customers love paying through HibanaPay as they know it's supporting the growth and profitability of Coco's, not an invisible banking giant.
HibanaPay is free to try and available now on the Apple App Store or

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